Corporate Statements

Mission Statement

ALERT DISASTER CONTROL, its Management and Personnel are dedicated to the provision of professional global Emergency Response and Integrated Risk Management Solutions. We shall endeavor to continue to offer our customers technologically advanced products and services that provide effective solutions to their respective objectives. We shall strive to exceed our customer's expectations through continuous improvements in the design quality, development process, service implementation, review and revision of our products and services. We shall continue to recognize the importance of our suppliers, support services and those we serve in the achievement of our corporate aims. We shall deal fairly and honestly with all customers that seek to do business with us now, and in the future. Our commitment to our employees is unequivocal. We shall remain dedicated to creating a positive work environment for our employees through practices, which emphasize fairness, participation, recognition, personal development and equal opportunity. We shall continue to perpetuate the Company's entrepreneurial spirit through the investment of resources in new endeavors and the implementation of effective strategies, technological innovations and practices that will assist us in maintaining leadership in the provision of global Emergency Response and Integrated Risk Management Solutions.

QHSSE Policy Statement

ALERT’s commitment to personnel, the environment and our customers is unequivocal. As the Senior Manager, this Policy is my personal guarantee that these key elements remain at the forefront of our operations. It is the Policy of this Company to provide an atmosphere where all personnel can design, develop and conduct operations in a safe and productive manner. This Policy dictates that people, the environment and physical structures will be protected against potential loss that may directly or indirectly exist as a result of the Company’s operations. In carrying out this Policy, the Company recognizes the need for:
  1. Devoting measurable effort to loss prevention at all times.
  2. Provision of competent professional supervision.
  3. Provision of adequate resources, both human and physical.
  4. Identification of all hazards and management of the associated risks.
The Company, its Management and Personnel, shall continually strive for excellence through increased levels of Service Quality, Safety and Productivity. To achieve these objectives, the Company, its Management and Personnel, shall endeavor to maintain the highest practicable standards as recognized by the customers, organizations and communities we serve. This shall encompass:
  • Continued training of all Company personnel.
  • Adherence to documented Company Policy and Procedures.
  • Recognition of our responsibility to our customers.
  • Continued improvement in our practices.
All personnel within the Company shall be competent to perform their respective duties in accordance with the ALERT Integrated QHSE Management System as based on the systems standards of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.